The ASBL Emergence XL has grown over time and has taken the initiative to also offer courses for children during school holidays .
Your children will be able to practice various activities according to their age and interests:
multisport (6 to 12 years old),
creative workshop/storytelling workshop (5-6 years old),
psychomotricity (5-6 years).
Register your children for our next courses which will take place :
from Monday 23 to Friday 27/12/2024 and/or
from Monday 30/12 to Friday 03 January 2025
Prijzen voor kinderen vanaf Brussel :
1 kind: €52
2 kinderen: 52+40 = €90
3 kinderen: 35+35+35 = €105
Prijzen voor kinderen van buiten Brussel :
1 kind: €65
2 kinderen: 65+52= €117
Contact us for more information!
Practical information for children's courses
Sports activities take place from 9 h to 16 h.
Childcare is available from 8 h to 9 h and from 16 h to 17 h 30.
Please bring a snack for the morning, a meal for lunch and a snack for the afternoon.
Please note that the courses are by registration only, as spaces are limited!
Rates for courses are set at €52 per week for Ixelles residents and €65 for non-residents. You have 5 days to pay this amount. After this period, your registration will not be taken into account.
You can find more information and registration directly at Emergence XL,
or by phone at +32 02/515.69.81!